Conditions We Treat

  • Crowding

    Insufficient space in the mouth can lead to crowded teeth. This may result in aesthetic concerns, cleaning difficulties, and uneven tooth wear.

  • Increased Overjet

    Commonly known as 'buck teeth,' this condition occurs when the top front teeth protrude further than the bottom ones. This leaves the upper teeth more susceptible to trauma.

  • Deep Overbite

    A deep overbite occurs when the top front teeth cover more of the bottom front teeth than ideal. This condition may contribute to severe tooth wear and damage to the gums.

  • Spacing

    Spacing between teeth can result from missing teeth, certain habits, or a mismatch between tooth and jaw sizes. Gaps between teeth may be unaesthetic and can affect speech.

  • Underbite

    An underbite occurs when the top front teeth are positioned behind the bottom front teeth. This condition often has a strong hereditary component.

  • Open Bite

    An open bite results from a lack of contact between the top front teeth and the bottom front teeth, leading to challenges in function and speech.

  • Crossbite

    A crossbite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not align properly, causing some upper teeth to sit behind the lower ones.

  • Ectopic/Impacted Teeth

    Ectopic teeth refer to teeth that grow or erupt in abnormal positions, often outside their designated dental arch. Teeth that fail to erupt are known as impacted teeth.

Our Services

  • Braces

    Braces are orthodontic devices designed to correct malalignments. We offer both traditional metal braces and discreet ceramic braces. Small elastic bands, known as modules, hold the wire in position. These modules come in different colours and can be changed at each appointment.

  • Clear Aligners

    Our clear aligners offer a virtually invisible orthodontic solution, allowing you to confidently transform your teeth without the visibility of traditional braces. Embrace the convenience and comfort of clear aligners as you embark on your journey to a beautifully aligned smile.

  • Advanced Techniques

    Our specialist orthodontists are trained in using advanced techniques, such as temporary anchorage devices (TADs), for managing complex cases. Our clinics are equipped with the latest digital technologies, including 3D intra-oral scanners, to ensure precise and efficient orthodontic care.

  • Inter-disciplinary Management

    At Wrights Road Orthodontics, we value a collaborative approach for your optimal care. Whether co-ordinating with your general dentist or working closely with oral and maxillofacial surgeons, our focus is on a comprehensive and personalised orthodontic experience.